New York University Cyber Security
Abu Dhabi (UAE)
2018 – 2020
Area: 1.260 sqm
Client: NYUAD
Performed services: Full interior design, permitting and supervision
Status: Completed
The project consists of the full interior design of the New York University Cyber Security Department. The new department is arranged around clusters of custom-designed workstations interconnected to each other in the same open space; the design of the high tables and of the informal meeting spaces has been implemented based on researchers’ needs. The space showcases extensive use of glass screens to divide acoustically the different clusters and allow for plenty of scribbling surface. The furniture steel frames and the trusses hung at soffit level allow the researchers to install freely their equipment to carry out different types of tests; ample storage was provided on top of the custom-designed workstations to place in a clean and orderly manner the extensive technical equipment of the department.