Narni, Terni (Italy)
Area: 2.500 sqm
Client: Municipality of Narni
Cost: 4.055.000 AED (811.000 €)
Performed services: preliminary design, detailed design
Status: ongoing
The project is about the renovation
of Piazza Garibaldi in Narni, a
medieval town in central Italy. The
topography of the square is very
articulated as the site is quite
steep and there are underground
public spaces that date back to the
roman age. The intention is to
simplify and rationalize pedestrian
pathways and car access, by
moving away most of the existing
parking lots and with the use of a
clever design of the square
finishes and urban furniture. New
connections to the underground
spaces are also imagined, to
emphasize the history of the town
and its city centre.